Whether your pool is big or not so big, full of features or beautiful in its simplicity, you can trust the innovation of AQUASTRONG pool pumps. The power you need. The features you want.
*Savings based on variable speed pump compared to a single-speed pump running 12 hours per day at an average of $0.16 per kWH in a 20,000-gallon pool. Actual savings may vary based on local utility rates, pool size, pump run time, pump horsepower, pump rpm, plumbing size and length, pump model, service factor and other hydraulic factors. Individual Weighted Energy Factor (WEF) scores and savings may vary by model.
For Swimming Pools
Variable Speed Pool Pump
The variable speed pool pump can automatically clean your pool with the lowest energy consumption according to the set parameters.
Sand Filter Pump
The sand filter pump provides more powerful cleaning capabilities, effectively handling both solid debris and algae, making it more suitable for large pools.
Pool Cover Pump
The pool cover pump can remove standing water on the pool cover, solving the cleaning problem when the pool is not in use.